Community Language Schools (CLS).
The North Shore Polish Saturday School is part of the NSW Community Languages Schools Program. The whole school curriculum is approved by the NSW Department of Education and reflects topics based on the K-10 Languages Framework published by NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) in 2018. NESA syllabuses include agreed Australian Curriculum content that clarifies the scope, breadth and depth of learning. The syllabus outcomes and the Stage statements for Early Stage 1 to Stage 5 align with the Australian Curriculum achievement standards. In NSW the Community Languages Schools Program offer classes in more than 50 different community languages. Primary school age students attending the CLS are given the opportunity to maintain their mother tongue or heritage language and are open also to any student who want to learn a new language.
You can find a Polish community language school in your area here
NSPSS Classes offered in 2023.
NSW Curriculum | Teacher / Coordinator | Year / Klasa |
Early Stage 1 | Ania Wróblewska | PRE-K |
Stage 1 | Anna Gregory | Kindy and Year 1 |
Stage 1 | Mariola Bejnar | Years 1-2 |
Stage 2 | Ela Kłosowska | Year 4 |
Stage 3 | Jola Mazurek | Year 5 |
Stage 3 | Marzena Stankiewicz | Year 6 |
Beginner Polish for children. Stage 1 : A1 | Hanna Biłyk | Years 1-2 |
Beginner Polish A1. Level for Adults | Hanna Bilyk | Level for Adults |
Playgroup Krasnoludki | mama Melissa | Playgroup Krasnoludki |
About the NSPSS Polish language programs.
The language to be studied and assessed is the modern standard version of Polish. Students should be aware of formal and informal levels of language used in daily life. The Polish K–10 syllabus provides opportunities for students to engage with the linguistic and cultural diversity of the Polish-speaking communities. Through learning Polish, students develop communication skills, focus on languages as systems and gain insights into the relationship between language and culture, leading to lifelong personal, educational and vocational benefits.
In NSW the Australian Curriculum is being implemented through syllabuses developed by the NSW Education Standards Authority. The NSW curriculum is organised in seven stages of learning.
Kindergarten to Year 6 (K–6) includes four stages of learning:
- Early Stage 1. Kindergarten
- Stage 1. Year 1 and Year 2
- Stage 2. Year 3 and Year 4
- Stage 3. Year 5 and Year 6
- Stage 4. Year 7 and Year 8
- Stage 5. Year 9 and Year 10
- Stage 6. Year 11 and Year 12
- students who are studying the language as second or additional language learners; and
- students who have prior learning and/or experience.
Attendance. All parents/guardians/carers must make reasonable efforts to ensure that their child attends Saturday classes without delay and to explain their child's absence from school and the reason (if any). For misadventure, evidence of the misadventure that prevented attendance is required.
Reporting student achievement to parents/guardians/carers helps promote shared understanding, and can be facilitated through student work samples, portfolios, teacher-parent-pupil interview and student self-assessment. Reporting will provide information on what students know, what they do in class and how they can improve. The Common Grade Scale A–E or equivalent provides a common system for reporting by describing observable and measurable features of student achievement from Stage1 to Stage 5. Teachers use the descriptions of the standards to make a professional, on-balance judgement, based on observations and available assessment results.
School Principal. Dyrektorka Szkoły.
Program Benefits.
Elizabeth Cesarski
North Shore Polish Saturday School PO Box 6199 North Ryde NSW 2113 P/F: +61 2 8065 0107 M: + 61 402 387 034 E: [email protected] |
Families and students value the NSW Community Languages Schools Program. The program helps students learn and use another language, connecting young Australians to the language, heritage and culture of their community.
It also promotes social harmony by helping to build a strong society that respects many different cultures making Australia a more inclusive country. |
Zapisy na Początku Roku Szkolnego. Enrolments 2023
The NSW Department of Education partially funds eligible community languages schools, provided certain criteria is met and maintained, including:
1. Be open to school students from Kindergarten to Year 12, regardless of language background
2. Have students who attend for at least 70 percent of lessons in Term 1
3. Hold classes outside school hours at least 35 weeks of the year
4. Provide a minimum of 2 hours per week face-to-face language teaching based on a sound educational program.
Jak co roku prosimy o skrupulatne wypełnienie Karty Zapisu Studenta / Student Enrolment Form oraz Zgody na Publikacje Prac lub Zdjęć Dziecka. Poniżej znajdują się oba dokumenty do pobrania a także kalendarz szkolny. Wszystkie wypełnione i podpisane przez rodziców formy muszą być zweryfikowane zanim dziecko rozpocznie naukę w naszej szkole.
Student Enrolment Form 2023
Permission Form
School Calendar 2023 - English
School Calendar 2023 - Polish
Dance Classes - Zajęcia Taneczne Zespołu Syrenka: 12.00 - 1.00 pm
Zajęcia prowadzą panie Halina Borysiewicz i Ania Kulesz.
Wszystkie osoby biorące udział w zajęciach zostaną włączone do listy członków całego zespołu
i bezpośrednio będą otrzymywały informacje z zarzadu Zespołu ‘Syrenka'. W imieniu naszej Szkoły serdecznie dziękujemy panu Filipowi Kidoń, Prezesowi Zespołu 'Syrenka' oraz Paniom Halince Borysiewicz i Ani Kulesz za umożliwienie dzieciom nauki tańca na terenie naszej szkoły.
Polish Scouts - Zajęcia Zuchowe
12:00 - 1:00 pm, co dwa tygodnie Zbiórki prowadzi Druhna Irena Wasko Jeżeli ktoś z Zuchów jeszcze się nie zarejestrował, proszę wypełnić obie formy rejestracyjne zamieszczone tutaj. Opłata za roczną rejestrację wynosi $60 (prosimy uregulować roczne opłaty do końca czerwca). Pieniądze można wpłacić elektronicznie na konto: BSB: 032123 Account No: 180730 Account Name: Polish Scouting Association ZHP
Biwak. Tadeusz Śliwiak Ptak nas zbudzi o świcie, umyjemy się rosą. I pójdziemy przed siebie, gdzie nas oczy poniosą. Stary niedźwiedź nam śni się z bardzo starej piosenki. Śpimy sobie snem twardym, bo pod nami mech miękki. A my śpimy jak susły. Miękki mech nam posłaniem. Tu nam lepiej niż w domu, na tej leśnej polanie. Podejdź tu, podejdź bliżej, rozchyl dłonią paprocie. Popatrz, to księżyc na warcie przy harcerskim namiocie. |