Wiadomości - News & Announcements. Term ONE 2019
3 May 2019
Drodzy Rodzice, Dziadkowie i Uczniowie,
Zachęcam wszystkich uczniów do wzięcia udziału w konkursie “Moje Polskie Rodzinne korzenie”
Wiele Rodzin w zabieganiu nie myśli jaka wspaniała jest historia rodzinna.Czy wszyscy wiedzą lub pamiętają o rodzinie w Polsce? Jest to okazja do sięgnięcia o więcej informacji, obejrzenie zdjęć, może rozmowy z rodzicami, dziadkami, pradziadkami...
Temat bardzo ciekawy.
Ponizej informacje dla uczniow od 4 klasy szkoly podstawowej az do klasy 12 maturalnej.
Uczniowie biorący udział dostaną też “niespodziankę” z naszej szkoly.
It asks students to prepare an artwork that reflects on their family's history and links or connections back to Poland.
Polish Cultural Open Day – Youth Art Competition - Guidelines
We invite Sydney school-aged children with Polish family connections, to submit a 2D art work for the art competition titled ‘My Polish Family Connections’. There are three prizes of $100 value, one for each category:
- Primary Years 4-6 od klasy 4 -6 szkoly podstawowej
- High School Years 7-9 od 7-9 klasy szkoly sredniej
- High School Years 10-12 klasy szkoly sredniej
- Key dates
- Entries must be received by: 1 June 2019, 5pm. Winners will be announced during the official ceremony between 2.30pm - 3.30pm at the Polish Cultural Open Day at Polish Club, Ashfield on 16 June 2019.
The artwork
- One artwork only per entrant.
- Must be on paper (NOT board) and be unmounted and unframed.
- Must be no bigger than A1 [594 mm x 841mm], but can be A4
- Can be vertical or horizontal.
- Any art materials may be used (eg paint, pencil, pastels, paper, collage) - but the artwork must be two-dimensional.
- The work must be original, not copied and created specially for this competition.
Artist Statement
Write a short statement in Polish (50-100 words) with an English translation:
- explaining how you believe this work reflects your Polish family connections,
- what you wanted the audience to see in this work,
- what feelings you wanted to show.
- clearly label the back of the artwork showing how it is displayed (arrow).
- your name, school and class, address and contact phone number. Make sure the writing doesn’t show through to the front.
- Do NOT roll or fold the artwork - we suggest placing it in a plastic sleeve or between two pieces of cardboard to protect it and keep it flat.
deliver entries to:
Your Polish Saturday School
Each of the three winners will receive: a prize of $100 value.
The theme is ‘My Polish Family Connections’. Entries to the competition will be judged by art professional judges according to the following criteria:
- the relevance of the submitted artwork to the theme
- artistic interpretation of the theme,
- originality of the submission.
Entries will not be released till after the event has finished at:
5pm Sunday 16 June 2019 at Polish Club, Ashfield.
Bardzo dziekuję,
Elżbieta Cesarski
1 May 2019
Dear Parents, Grandparents & Friends,
I hope all of you had a very restful school holiday.
On Saturday 4th May the school begins the second semester for this year.
I would like to welcome all new students and parents to our school.
Please note that “Syrenka” dancing lessons at North Ryde are also commencing this Saturday from 12-1pm.
The Scouts will meet the following Saturday 11 May 12-1pm.
On Saturday 11 May we will have Mother’s Day Morning Tea from 11-12pm.
On 19 May is the SMH Half Marathon.
Our school is taking part as a volunteer organization and it is a fantastic opportunity to give financial support to our school.
For those who have not paid the remaining fee for school please pay as soon as possible.
4 May celebration of 3 May and Szupryczynski Awards at Ashfield Polish Club at 5.00pm
18th May Syrenka's Annual Ball at 7.00pm in Ashfield Polish Club
Kind Regards,
Elżbieta Cesarski
19 April 2019

Drodzy Rodzice, Dziadkowie i Uczniowie,
Z okazji Świąt Wielkanocnych składam najserdeczniejsze życzenia - dużo zdrowia, radości, smacznego jajka, mokrego dyngusa, a także odpoczynku w rodzinnym i przyjaciół gronie.
Uczniom życzymy przyjemnych wakacji i ciekawych wrażeń z czytania polskich książek wypożyczonych ze szkolnej biblioteczki.
Wishing you a very Happy Easter that is filled with plenty of love and happiness.
May your holiday be bright, very colorful with very interesting Polish story books.
Have a happy Easter!
28 March 2019

Drodzy Rodzice,
W związku z tym, że w tę sobotę, 30 marca odbędą się zdjęcia klasowe i uczniowie będą grupami w trakcie zajęć wychodzić z klas,
w drodze powrotnej do klas dzieci zajdą do biblioteki i każde dziecko wypożyczy polską książkę na wakacje. Zapiszemy każdą pozycję z imieniem dziecka i klasy i wyślemy Rodzicom w zbiorowym emailu,
jaką książkę wasze dziecko wypożyczyło.
Jeśli macie polskie dziecięce książki na zbyciu, zapraszamy
do dodania ich do naszej biblioteki szkolnej.
Miłego czytania!
Koordynatorzy Bibiloteki Szkolnej
Przypominamy, ze w nadchodzącą sobotę 30 marca, odbędą się zdjęcia szkolne - klasowe i indywidualne - dla wszystkich uczniów. Formy do zamówienia zostały wysłane emailem.
Serdecznie zapraszamy do zakupu zdjęć, które z pewnością będą świetną pamiątką lub prezentem dla dzieci oraz rodziny :-)
Dear Parents, Grandparents and Students,
You are all invited to NSPSS Family Day Picnic: fun-filled day for the children and a great opportunity to meet other parents, make friends and strengthen our Polish School community.
When: Saturday, 23.03.2019
Where: Yamble Reserve, Quarry Road, North Ryde 2112
Time: 9am – 12pm
What to bring:
See you All there :)
You are all invited to NSPSS Family Day Picnic: fun-filled day for the children and a great opportunity to meet other parents, make friends and strengthen our Polish School community.
When: Saturday, 23.03.2019
Where: Yamble Reserve, Quarry Road, North Ryde 2112
Time: 9am – 12pm
What to bring:
- Sunhats and sunscreen
- Morning tea and water for the children
- Picnic blanket
- Plate of food to share and enjoy
See you All there :)
2 March 2019
Dear Parents and Grandparents,
We have a few weeks of school behind us. We face new challenges and expectations and, as always, strive to achieve the best results in teaching Polish. We all feel responsible for the school's activity and the atmosphere we create. I encourage you to cooperate more and join the school events.
On Saturday, March 16, Parents' meetings with teachers will be held in individual classes. The meeting aims to discuss a program specially prepared for students in a given class.
Class 6/7 Marzena Stankiewicz 11.40
Class 4/5 Ela Klosowska 11.15
Class 3 Anna Gregory 9.15
Class K/1 Mariola Bejnar 9.30
Class "Beginners" Hanna Bilyk 11.30
Class Preschool Kinga Grus 11.40
Class 2 Monika Rachwal 10.10
I do not have to stress the importance of this meeting and I hope that everyone will take part in a meeting with a teacher of the class attended by your child.
We have a few weeks of school behind us. We face new challenges and expectations and, as always, strive to achieve the best results in teaching Polish. We all feel responsible for the school's activity and the atmosphere we create. I encourage you to cooperate more and join the school events.
On Saturday, March 16, Parents' meetings with teachers will be held in individual classes. The meeting aims to discuss a program specially prepared for students in a given class.
Class 6/7 Marzena Stankiewicz 11.40
Class 4/5 Ela Klosowska 11.15
Class 3 Anna Gregory 9.15
Class K/1 Mariola Bejnar 9.30
Class "Beginners" Hanna Bilyk 11.30
Class Preschool Kinga Grus 11.40
Class 2 Monika Rachwal 10.10
I do not have to stress the importance of this meeting and I hope that everyone will take part in a meeting with a teacher of the class attended by your child.
2 March 2019

21 February 2019
As you know our school will be participating in
The Sydney Morning Herald Half Marathon on
the morning of 19 May 2019 (Sunday).
It would be exciting to have 30 volunteers/parents
(or family members or friends) to support runners
at the above Marathon and so our school could
earn money as well.
Every Saturday, until the end of this Term, we will
be hanging out a registration list for you to sign up.
We hope you will join us!
21 February 2019

Dear Parents, Grandparents and students,
Thursday 21 February 2019 - “Międzynarodowy Dzień Języka Ojczystego”
I encourage you to read a Polish book or poem with your child on that day.
Maybe they can practice the difficult sounds in Polish language - here is
a funny poem "celebrating" sz & cz :)
„PUSZCZYK W PUSZCZY”. Agnieszka Frączek
Pośród gęstych chaszczy w puszczy
puszczykowi puch się łuszczy –
gdy się puszczyk troszkę ruszy,
zaraz puszkiem wokół prószy!
Puszczyk z żalu głośno piszczy:
- Ależ mi się pyszczek błyszczy!
Teraz kurze pierze taszczy,
żeby przykryć błysk na paszczy.
Pośród gęstych chaszczy w puszczy
puszczykowi puch się łuszczy –
gdy się puszczyk troszkę ruszy,
zaraz puszkiem wokół prószy!
Puszczyk z żalu głośno piszczy:
- Ależ mi się pyszczek błyszczy!
Teraz kurze pierze taszczy,
żeby przykryć błysk na paszczy.
NSPSS will celebrate INTERNATIONAL MOTHER LANGUAGE DAY on Saturday 23 February.
Look forward to having fun and learning together.
Warm regards,
Elizabeth Cesarski
Look forward to having fun and learning together.
Warm regards,
Elizabeth Cesarski
28 January 2019
Dear Parents, Grandparents & Friends,
A reminder that students start back at school on Saturday, 2 February 2019 starting at 9.00am.
All Students who attended classes last year and new students for this year are required to submit a New Enrolment Form. Please fill out the form carefully with all details and email back to me as soon as possible - you can find the forms here...
This year’s enrolments will establish the number of students, classes and teachers - please confirm your child's attendance for this year.
The School Fee for the year 2019 is $500 per each student.
Each student who pays the school fee will receive a SCHOOL BAG which includes a notebook and 2 pencils.
The preferable method of payment is by electronic payment to our account.
New students will be asked to pay for the first Saturday’s classes $10 each unless the parents have already paid the school fee.
Warm regards,
Elizabeth Cesarski