Wiadomości - News & Announcements. Term TWO 2018
29 June 2018
Dear Parents & Grandparents, Classes held on Saturday, 30 June 2018 are our final classes before the holidays. We have entered the winter season in Australia while Poland is enjoying warm summer. Following the example of many families, holiday trips to Poland and family gatherings have already become almost an annual event. I wish all students and parents a wonderful holiday break and a happy return to school. For students HOMEWORK FOR HOLIDAYS – please take an interesting photo during holidays and prepare to present it to your class in 3rd semester. School classes will start after the holidays on 28 July at 9 am |
Drodzy Rodzice i Dziadkowie, W sobotę 30 czerwca 2018 odbędą się ostanie lekcje przed wakacjami. Wkroczyliśmy w zimowy sezon w Australii, a w Polsce coraz cieplej. Za przykładem wielu rodzin wyjazdy na wakacje do Polski i rodzinne spotkania stały się już prawie corocznym wydarzeniem. Wszystkim wyjeżdżającym rodzinom życzę wspaniałych wakacji i szczęśliwego powrotu do Sydney i szkoły. Dla uczniόw ZADANIE DOMOWE NA WAKACJE – proszę zrobiċ ciekawe zdjęcie ze swoich wakacji. Zdjęcie zaprezentują uczniowie w 3 semestrze. Zajęcia szkolne rozpoczną się po wakacjach 28 lipca o godz. 9 rano |
***** Mother's Day Picnic will be held at school due to rain forecast for tomorrow *****
Dear Parents, Grandparents and Friends,
On Saturday 12 May we will have Mother's Day Picnic - day of fun and surprises for all parents and children.
Address: Yamble Reserve, Quarry Rd, Ryde (10 min from our school)
The Yamble Reserve Park
It is a lovely playground, inclusive for different abilities and with different, exciting and fun equipment.
Please bring with you a plate of some goodies to share.
Looking forward to to seeing you all on Saturday.
If it rains on Saturday we will meet at school and have a picnic on school grounds. The weather forecast looks good for now:)
On Saturday 12 May we will have Mother's Day Picnic - day of fun and surprises for all parents and children.
Address: Yamble Reserve, Quarry Rd, Ryde (10 min from our school)
The Yamble Reserve Park
It is a lovely playground, inclusive for different abilities and with different, exciting and fun equipment.
Please bring with you a plate of some goodies to share.
Looking forward to to seeing you all on Saturday.
If it rains on Saturday we will meet at school and have a picnic on school grounds. The weather forecast looks good for now:)
Wiadomości - News & Announcements. Term ONE 2018
12 April 2018
Dear Parents, Grandparents and Students,
There will be no School classes on 14 April. The Polish School will commence on Saturday, 5 May.
Saturday, 12 May - Mother’s Day School Picnic - more information to follow.
Just a kindly reminder for those who would like to help to participate in our school fundraising at Sydney Morning Half Marathon on Sunday, 20 May - please put your name on the list.
With parents help select one Polish poem or short verse from a poem and practise reading it until you know it by heart :)
If you would like to do a presentation with your brothers or sisters please do so.
You will recite the poem in the class after the holiday.
The students will choose the presentations which will be performed on a very special day - details to be advised.
All children will receive a diploma of participation.
When your kids memorize poetry, they are also learning vocabulary, spelling, reading skills and grammar.
Your kids are fantastic and they can learn more than you anticipate.
Say the poem with your child a few times a week. Have fun practising :)
For some inspiration visit the school page WIERSZE, WIERSZYKI
Have a fantastic holiday break!
There will be no School classes on 14 April. The Polish School will commence on Saturday, 5 May.
Saturday, 12 May - Mother’s Day School Picnic - more information to follow.
Just a kindly reminder for those who would like to help to participate in our school fundraising at Sydney Morning Half Marathon on Sunday, 20 May - please put your name on the list.
With parents help select one Polish poem or short verse from a poem and practise reading it until you know it by heart :)
If you would like to do a presentation with your brothers or sisters please do so.
You will recite the poem in the class after the holiday.
The students will choose the presentations which will be performed on a very special day - details to be advised.
All children will receive a diploma of participation.
When your kids memorize poetry, they are also learning vocabulary, spelling, reading skills and grammar.
Your kids are fantastic and they can learn more than you anticipate.
Say the poem with your child a few times a week. Have fun practising :)
For some inspiration visit the school page WIERSZE, WIERSZYKI
Have a fantastic holiday break!
30 March 2018
Drodzy Rodzice, Dziadkowie I Uczniowie, Wesołych Świąt Wielkiej Nocy pełnych pogody ducha... Piękna jest radość w święta, Ciepłe są myśli o bliskich, Niech pokój, miłość i szczęście otoczy dzisiaj nas wszystkich Zdrowia, szczęścia, humoru dobrego, A przy tym wszystkim stołu bogatego, Mokrego dyngusa, smacznego jajka I niech te święta będą jak bajka. Elizabeth Cesarski & NSPSS Teachers |
May Easter Day bring you
A lot of happiness and joy in your life May you live for a long time And may Easter Day come hundred times in your life time I wish You and your Family a fun filled Easter! |
14 March 2018
Dear Parents and Grandparents,
We have a few weeks of school behind us. We face new challenges and expectations and, as always, strive to achieve the best results in teaching Polish. We all feel responsible for the school's activity and the atmosphere we create. I encourage you to cooperate more and join the school events. On Saturday, March 17 Parents' meetings with teachers will be held in individual classes. The meeting aims to discuss a program specially prepared for students in a given class. The oldest class - Marzena Stankiewicz 9.15am Class 4/5 Ela Klosowska 9.30am Class 3 Anna Gregory 9.15am Class 2 Mariola Bejnar 9.30am Class "Beginners" p. Hanna Bilyk 11.45am P / K Kinga Grus class - I will inform you after setting the time Monika Rachwal's class 1 already had a meeting I do not have to stress the importance of this meeting and I hope that everyone will take part in a meeting with a teacher of the class your children attend. |
Drodzy Rodzice i Dziadkowie, Za nami już parę tygodni szkoły. Przed nami nowe wyzwania i oczekiwania i jak zawsze dążenie do osiągania jak najlepszych rezultatόw w nauczaniu jezyka polskiego. Wszyscy czujemy się odpowiedzialni za działaność szkoły i atmosferę jaką sami tworzymy. Zachęcam do większej współpracy i włączenia się do organizacji szkolnych wydarzeń. W sobotę, 17 marca odbędą się zebrania Rodzicόw z Nauczycielami w poszczegόlnych klasach. Spotkanie ma na celu omόwienie programu specjalnie przygotowanego dla uczniόw w danej klasie. Klasa najstarsza - Marzena Stankiewicz 9.15am Klasa 4/5 Ela Klosowska 9.30am Klasa 3 Anna Gregory 9.15am Klasa 2 Mariola Bejnar 9.30am Klasa “Beginners” p.Hanna Bilyk 11.45am Klasa P/K Kingi Grus – poinformuję po ustaleniu godziny Klasa 1 Moniki Rachwal miala już zebranie Nie musze podkreślaċ, o ważności tego spotkania i liczę, że wszyscy wezmą udział w zebraniu z nauczycielką klasy, w ktόrych są Państwa dzieci. Serdecznie pozdrawiam, Elżbieta |
14 February 2018
Dear Parents and Grandparents, We invite you all to the school meeting on Saturday, 3 March at I would like to welcome you to the new school year 2018, especially to new parents and students. This year NSPSS has seven primary classes and Playgroup “Krasnoludki” I would like to acknowledge our wonderful teachers team who have been associated with the school for many years and welcome the new ones. Classes for 2018 include: Polish Children Beginners - Hanna Bilyk Pre- Kindergarten - Kinga Grus Year 1 – Monika Rachwal Year 2/3 - Mariola Bejnar Year 3/4 - Anna Gregory Year 4/5 - Ela Kłosowski Year 5/6/7 - Marzena Stankiewicz Syrenka Dance Class from 12pm to 1pm every second Saturday Contact: Halina mobile: 0421 048 655 START – 17 February 2018 Polish Scouts from 12pm to 1pm on alternative Saturdays Contact: Irena mob: 0414 554 089 |
School Calendar of Events
Please refer to the calendar and information provided via email during the year. Allergy Alert We request that parents do not provide children with nut based foods. As we still have warm weather, please provide your child with a hat and a drink. Playgroup “ Krasnoludki” Parents with small children who are interested in this playgroup please contact Kamila mob: 0415351091 School Safety - important information “Roster for DUTY during break” - We ask that all parents and carers be good role models when in and around our school grounds. Drivers should be aware of school children movements when driving in and out of car parks. School Fund Raising On 20 May the Sydney Morning Herald Half Marathon will be held and allows fund raising to support our school budget. More details will be provided later. School enrolment I am still waiting for enrolment forms. PLEASE bring to school ASAP. Elizabeth |