Powyżej reprezentacja polskich szkół sobotnich podczas spotkania z panem ministrem Wiktorem Dominello.
Six citizens were honoured on 10 April 2014 for their exemplary service to multicultural communities in NSW at the Premier's Harmony Dinner - an event which culminates the NSW Government's Multicultural March celebrations. The winners of the Premier's Multicultural Community Medals received their awards in front of over 900 guests at Rosehill Racecourse attending the gala evening, including Federal Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Minister for Citizenship and Communities Victor Dominello described the recipients as "champions of multiculturalism". "These awards celebrate the remarkable stories and achievements of these six individuals who have served their communities with honor and enriched our state's cultural diversity". NSW is truly one of the most multicultural societies in the world, with 300 different languages spoken at home and around 45% of our citizens born overseas. |
_Premier's Harmony Dinner 2014.